Retreats/Event Planning
Vision Phase
Vision session – How do you want your clients to feel when they leave the retreat/event? What do you want the experience to be like?
Pinterest board created
Discuss non-negotiables, preferences, potential locations, expected attendees, rough dates & format
Sales Phase
Promotional plan
Support with writing sales campaign emails
Support with copy for sales page
Feedback Phase
Post-retreat feedback forms and follow up email with offer for next retreat created and scheduled
Team debrief
Decision Phase
Decision on venues (minimum 3 options provided at varying price points)
Other suppliers / props/décor/activities
Confirm dates and price
Coordination Phase
Contracts and onboarding (incl onboarding forms) for retreat attendees
Trello board with itinerary prepared
Manage all coordination with venue and other suppliers, timings, invoices etc
Any pre-orders required for the retreat
Plan sent to venue (timings, guests, dietaries etc)
Timings plan for coordinating on the retreat (touch points with venue staff, catering etc)
Whatsapp group created and reminders scripted and prepped for during the retreat
Client experience planned out – gifts, touch points during the retreat etc
Managing all coordination on the retreat days