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Retreats/Event Planning

EventRetreat Process (2).png

How does the process work?

£850 plus £250 per day for the on the day coordination (+ expenses, travel and accommodation where required)


Vision Phase

  • Vision session – How do you want your clients to feel when they leave the retreat/event? What do you want the experience to be like?

  • Pinterest board created

  • Discuss non-negotiables, preferences, potential locations, expected attendees, rough dates & format


Sales Phase

  • Promotional plan

  • Support with writing sales campaign emails

  • Support with copy for sales page


Feedback Phase

  • Post-retreat feedback forms and follow up email with offer for next retreat created and scheduled

  • Team debrief 


Decision Phase

  • Decision on venues (minimum 3 options provided at varying price points)

  • Other suppliers / props/décor/activities

  • Confirm dates and price


Coordination Phase

  • Contracts and onboarding (incl onboarding forms) for retreat attendees

  • Trello board with itinerary prepared

  • Manage all coordination with venue and other suppliers, timings, invoices etc

  • Any pre-orders required for the retreat

  • Plan sent to venue (timings, guests, dietaries etc)

  • Timings plan for coordinating on the retreat (touch points with venue staff, catering etc)

  • Whatsapp group created and reminders scripted and prepped for during the retreat

  • Client experience planned out – gifts, touch points during the retreat etc

  • Managing all coordination on the retreat days

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